

A fully implemented PWA drawing tool for children.

A basic circle packing progressive web app.

More boids. Agents are attracted to each other, once coupled they avoid nearest threat. After a while they separate and avoid each other, but they only remember the last ten relationships.

Simple Boid-like behavior using vector logic. Agents simply try and avoid their nearest neighbour.

Circle packing with a maximum radius gradient.

Randomised circle packing without the usual growth logic so larger circles fill the window.

Design Documents

Öppenteknikstudio systemet - Öppen's design language system



A Jetbrains IDEA template projects that helps develop Processing sketches in Kotlin A selection of screenshots from ProcKt A selection of screenshots from ProcKt


A lightweight command line Python static site generator for low power/low bandwidth websites Screenshot from a low bandwidth website Screenshot from a low bandwidth website


Command line 1bit error diffusion image filters in Kotlin A 1bit dithered image of Todmorden Moor A 1bit dithered image of Todmorden Moor